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berlinerförderp rogramm künstle rischeforschung


Didem Pekün


We are at a moment of history in which we are seemingly paralyzed as to what we can do to avert the looming catastrophes, from climate to wars to pandemics – chaos permeates across the globe. 

Just as species are disappearing at an alarming speed, whole areas of human thought, feeling and sensibility are becoming extinct through neoliberal expansion. Extending the definition of ecology to encompass social relations and human subjectivity as well as environmental concerns, like Guattari, this research project argues that the ecological crises, which threaten our planet are the direct result of the expansion of capitalism, and that a new eco-sophical approach, which respects the differences as well as connections between all living systems, must be found. 

Poor land, poor people, poor climate, social distress; we are getting sicker as the planet gets sick. Chaosmos searches for that new ecosophical approach through five elemental chapters in collaboration with five thinkers and doers of our time. Together, we keep on insisting, trying, and unlearning together towards molecular revolutions against a pessimistic prognosis. But it will require a multi-layered unlearning and action through relearning the basics (the elements) of interdependent planetary life. Chaosmos is an exploration of this new pedagogy. 

In her work, Didem Pekün (b. 1978, Istanbul) combines research and practice. Previously in her films, she addressed how violence and displacement define and destroy life. She is currently researching a roaming art education platform titled Elemental Lab. Her documentaries and video installations have been shown internationally and received different awards. She is a founding member of Center for Spatial Justice (MAD). She holds a BA in Music from SOAS, an MA in Documentary from Goldsmiths, and a practice-based PhD in Visual Cultures from Goldsmiths, University of London. She is currently a visiting lecturer at Kadir Has University, Istanbul (on leave 2022-23). She loves cats, very dark chocolate, and Istanbul.